Why Did I Start This Movie Blog? | A Personal Point Of View

Why did I start this Cinematic Point of View blog? That’s a good question.

One reason is because I live, eat, and breathe movies. I love talking about movies, art, comics, Godzilla, and the list goes on. I find myself laser locked on certain topics and just get obsessed with them for weeks sometimes.

When I was a kid, I had an accident with scissors in my right eye. (that’s me in the sunglasses at my Aunt and Uncle’s wedding) It left me in the hospital for a bit and I had repeated surgeries on that eye the first couple of years after it happened. During the recovery time I watched a lot of TV. That was the beginning. I can relate to the ‘The Cable Guy’ a little bit, if you know what I mean.

As I got older, I would record all sorts of things on VHS and create compilation tapes. There was a show called Robotech I was completely obsessed with. Likely my first real anime. I would run home from the school bus trying to make it to the VCR by 2:30 pm so that I could record Robotech and pause it during the commercials and create video tapes would have all the episodes in order AND I would have the commercials edited out. It was a hell of an undertaking and I would take those tapes with me everywhere so I could watch Robotech when we went somewhere overnight.

Like I said, I get a bit obsessive and tend to watch films in streaks. I might watch a film and really enjoy it and want to find out what the director, or one of the actors, has done in the past. I’ll look it up and likely I will then seek out the director or actors or cinematographers or whomever works on the film that I truly appreciate and look at their previous work. I love the research and discovery of previous works I’ve never heard of. Little dreams made years ago left for others to find and enjoy and learn from.

I also wanted a place to focus on my interests without a need for constant approval. Over the years, especially during COVID, I found myself online more than ever like most people. This became a habit I took notice of this past year. I decided I didn’t want to participate in that game anymore. So I decided it was time to move away from social media.

I started this blog without telling anyone. I don’t share these posts with anyone I know. They don’t know it exists.

Ive found this is opening me up to write about more things that I normally would on Facebook, in front of family and friends. I discovered I was afraid to share all the geek in me. I was censoring myself.

With this blog I could get out whatever was inside me, out in the open, and without the need for approval. I LOVE when something I share reaches someone else that I don’t know and they comment or start a conversation. I just needed a new personal space to figure out how to get rid of that irrational fear and need for approval. To practice speaking as my own person and not a husband, dad, brother, or friend. Just Chris.

I hope this make sense.

Another part of my reason for starting this blog is I love to go down rabbit holes. I go through phases of binge ordering hard to find DVDs or Blu-Rays. For a while I was doing digital only but I’ve leaned back into physical media, for better or worse. I have stacks of films I’ve yet to watch. I periodically take these stacks of films and sort through the ones that I have seen and didn’t make an impact on me and sell those movies. I take the money from that and likely it goes towards purchasing new films. It is a cycle. I enjoy it.

Lately, I’ve been on a real Japanese film kick. It’s been a long streak that looks to continue for a while. I apologize if you follow me and get tired of seeing the same sort of films. I generally just post whatever gets me excited at the time. Sometimes I go through French film phases, or horror film phases, etc. It just depends on the time of year and what’s going on in my life. Right now Japanese films seem to really hit the sweet spot for me. I think there is a tenderness and humanness to almost every Japanese film that I watch that is hard to find in other movies. A very unique perspective and way of life. I guess that’s the what I need right now.

So to wrap it up here, I just wanted to make this personal post for myself and explain myself to anyone else who might be follows along. I haven’t been blogging here too long, but I have already found a good new group of other bloggers that I can relate to and truly appreciate learning about new films and your point of view.

Did you watch anything this weekend? Would love to hear about it. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

3 responses to “Why Did I Start This Movie Blog? | A Personal Point Of View”

  1. ospreyshire Avatar

    That was an interesting story about the origins of this blog. I hope you’re doing well and that you can enjoy blogging here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cinematic Point Of View Avatar

      Thank you. I really appreciate you reading it and taking the time to leave me a comment. I am really enjoying having this place as an outlet. I hope you’re doing well too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ospreyshire Avatar

        No problem. It’s good to check out your blog. I’m glad you know about various anime works and movies I’ve seen that not many people talk about. I’ve had a rough week from a mental health standpoint and I just typed a long comment respectfully disagreeing with someone about a movie review before seeing this, but I’m feeling better now. Thanks for asking me.

        Liked by 1 person

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