Our Little Sister (2015) Soundtrack | Composer Yoko Kanno

I’ve been listening to Yoko Konno’sOur Little Sister‘ Soundtrack a lot the past week. It has an almost dreamlike quality that pulls at your heartstrings and perfectly captures the feel of the film’s story.

Without a doubt, Yoko Konno is one of the best composers in all of anime. Known for her legendary Cowboy Bebop score, she’s also equally beloved for her soundtracks to Escaflowne and Macross Plus, just to name a few.

Growing up in a rural area, Yoko’s parents found it difficult to employ a proper piano teacher for her, so she was left to teach herself!

At the age of 4, her parents sent her off too a music school where the other kids her age already knew how to read and write music! Crazy. She was a bit behind in that department but was a fast learner and quickly brought herself up to speed.

It seems that almost every project she found herself in, she felt ill-prepared for the task at hand and had to reach out to others for guidance. On Cowboy Bebop she says she knew very little about jazz and looked to studio musician Rudy Van Gelder for support in creating the iconic anime album.

In Kore-eda Hirokazu 2015 film “Our Little Sister” (also known as ‘Umimachi Diary’) Yoko Konno has created yet another memorable musical score I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do.

What’s your favorite Yoko Konno soundtrack?

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